Monday, December 7, 2009


I think I have figured out how they stay small. When we went to the resturants you sit at round tables that probably sit 8 or more people. In the middle of the table is a turntable this is where they put the food. Everyone shares the food. Basically what you are doing is tasting different dishes. I can tell you that the food in China is really good. While I was there I lost 20 pounds. I ate but you had a small plate in front of you and you did eat very small portions and you felt full. We did get the hang of using chop sticks. You can get a fork if need but you have to ask. I did not find to much that I didn't like.
Now on to fast food. We here in the U.S. eat alot of fast food because we are on the go. Over there there are no drive thru's and they don't have the amount of fast food resturants that we have. What they do have there is McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut and Papa John's. The food in these places are alittle different then here. They use more of their seasonings. The ice cream there is different. I heard some people say that they liked the McD's ice cream there better than here. The KFC instead of serving slaw they serve this vegetable salad with the colwslaw dressing. It is really good. I will have to make it here to get my fix. They serve some of the same things but also have some different foods to.
The Pizza Hut is a resturant. When I mean resturant it is like walking in a fancy resturant. The lighting in there is dim. When you order here you order a plate of pasta for yourself. But over there they plate of pasta is for both. Angela and I did not know this so we both ordered our own plate of pasta. The girl looked at us and said are you sure that you want both. I told her yes and she looked at us with this question on her face. Well, when they brought the first plate which to us is a dinner plate we figured it out that they plate was for both. This is because in front of you is a small plate and you serve yourself and eat off of that. When we left we just laughed about it.
I need to keep up the small plate. The size of the plate is like a dessert plate. Over there you don't get to pick out a dessert they serve watermelon after the dinner. The watermelon over there was good. They eat alot of fruit. Pork is one of the big meats that they eat over there. Noodles and rice are in the meal and tofu.

They have malls over there. The one mall that we went into was called the Grandview Mall. We probably have a mall like this somewhere but this mall is 7 stories high and they don't have what you call a food court. The resturants are scattered. The mall is not only 7 stories but it has what I call hallways that lead into another 7 story mall. You could get lost in this place and it is just over whelming. They 7th floor is an amusement park. I could not believe all of the stuff that they had up there. As we were walking they had some different looking art work one of the things that stuck with me was a statue of a thumb. That was really weird.

Sissy gave us a list of songs in chinese like twinkle twinkle little star and etc. I will post them for anyone who would like to give it a try.

I will say this. I was kind of nervous about going to a different country not knowing what to expect but I really enjoyed my time there. Angela and I both said that we would like to go back and I do know that I will make it back sometime hopefully soon. I don't want to wait 10 years to go back. I would like to go back within 3 to 5 years. If you get a chance go it is not what you think.

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