Thursday, September 3, 2009

Panic time

Yesterday we went to get a new original birth certificate for my husband (Glen) and there were two ladies waiting to get their newborns certificates. Glen asked how old they were and one is 1 month old and 12 lbs and the other is 2 months old and 11 lbs. He turned and looked at me and said she is going to be tiny. I agreed with him and started talking about other things. It didn't hit me until we were on our way home that I would not have anything for her to wear when she got home and that we don't have a car seat that will accomidate her. All I have right now is a toddler seat and a booster AND THAT WON'T WORK. I had called a friend of mine in a panic and she said don't worry everything will be there when you get home. I relaxed and realized that she was right because I had someone tell me the other day that they were going to be sending packages down of clothes and other things that we need. Then I also remembered that another friend of mine is giving me her baby seat and other baby items. I am ok now. I went throught this with Sofia but she was a toddler when we got her. So she already had things that came with her. All Shelby is coming with is the clothes on her back and the items that we have sent her in a care package. She may not come with anything else.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Packing for Shelby

I spent last night going throught clothes that I think will fit Shelby. On top of that I was thinking about the time of year that we will be going. I will probably want a mixture of warm clothes and summer clothes. If the weather anything like Florida weather it could be cold one day and warm the next. I don't know what to do. I will just keep watch on the weather.