Saturday, November 28, 2009

Tuesday November 24th Shelby had had a bad cough and we were getting concerned about it. She started a cold and cough a week before we came home. Marting got her some medicine and it was working really well. But she still came home with it so I called the doctors office and they were going to be able to get her in around 12:00. We took her in and the doctor told us that her lungs were clear and that she did have an ear infection. We were so happy that it wasn't any worse then is was. She said it would take her 2 weeks or more to get ready of the cough. We just concerned that the cold moving down in her chest causing other issues. We went to Publix to get her the antibiotic that they prescribed her and a few other things. While we were there my mind was thinking that it was dinner time which it was only lunch time. I was wanting chicken. Glen asked me if I wanted that for lunch and I told him that it was dinner time. He told me no that it was lunch time. We did go ahead and get chicken and had that for lunch and dinner. Shelby is slowly letting him hold her as long as I am not in the same room with them.

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